Obi - Beagle
Obi, for those that don't know, is my own Beagle. At the start of this venture I decided to get him allergy tested to see what, if anything, came up. Obi has never displayed any sort of allergies or intolerances, so to be honest I thought the tests would show nothing interesting. But, I was wrong, and the results were actually quite surprising!
I ran our basic hair strand test which looks at 300 items, a mix of food and environmental. The test returns the results of the allergens that have a sensitivity level of over 85%, that's the threshold at which you would expect to see some symptoms.
In terms of food, Obi showed high levels of sensitivity to the following items:
Coriander 99%
Crayfish 98%
Millet 95%
Mustard 95%
Cream 95%
Aubergine 95%
Thankfully, these aren't things that we include in Obi's usual diet.
But there were several items that he does eat that flagged as Amber (85%-94%). These included:
White Bread 94%
Lambs Liver 94%
Spinach 94%
Duck 91%
Cod 90%
Milk lactose 89%
Honey 88%
Carrot 87%
Cream Cheese 85%
We are now going to actively try and eliminate these from his diet to see if we notice any changes, and I will update in a few weeks.